admin – Innovibiz Inc. We Empower Ideas Mon, 18 Oct 2021 19:40:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 admin – Innovibiz Inc. 32 32 Marketing: Traditional Vs. Digital Mon, 18 Oct 2021 19:18:20 +0000 Marketing: Traditional Vs. Digital Read More »


Marketing is a process by which organizations can promote the goods or services they provide to customers. It includes creating awareness of products or services with customers through reaching out to them over various platforms such as TV ads, radio ads, print advertisements, and so on.

Marketing is a complex discipline. So much so that it sometimes feels like the only way to have a successful marketing campaign is to have a huge budget. That’s not necessarily true. Consumers are inundated with marketing messages every day, so the key is to stand out from the crowd and get their attention in unique ways.

This section discusses traditional marketing vs. digital marketing – diving into what they are and to compare the two giving examples of which method to use.

Marketing digital vs traditional blog image

Traditional Marketing:

Traditional marketing is the marketing where businesses invest more money on advertising, public relation activities, meeting with potential customers to get feedback and develop products.

Traditionally marketers rely on traditional methods such as TV ads, radio ads, and print advertisements such as billboard ads to attract potential customers and increase sales revenue for their business.

The pros of traditional marketing are that it is cost-effective after the initial big investment and proven way of reaching your target audience. There are a wide range of marketing channels at your disposal, which means you can opt for a more specific approach to reach your audience.

Traditional marketing is often associated with large corporations where they have a lot of resources to spend on marketing campaigns. Moreover, traditional marketing can offer permanency in the market whereas it is difficult for new brands to enter the market or stay in this market without any investment or planning.

The cons of traditional marketing are that you need to invest in expensive up-front advertising and time-consuming so it can be difficult for small businesses to compete with larger competitors.

It also lacks control over which customers are targeted because traditional marketing generates an ad awareness so it allows for customers who may not have been reached by the company’s product or service to then become aware of the offering.

It also does not provide any feedback on who has seen or received the message which means that there is no way to measure its success which makes optimization difficult.

Digital Marketing:

Digital marketing is marketing via electronic devices, meaning that it is primarily done online. Digital marketing is one of the fastest growing fields in the marketing industry. Marketers must keep up with changes in technology and social media because these are the most significant ways that consumers are reaching their target audience.

Digital marketing offers unique opportunities for creativity and innovation because it taps into our desires for instant gratification. Digital marketers are able to create experiences that are different from anything consumers have ever seen before, which can lead to exciting new opportunities for companies that are willing to take risks.

One pro of digital marketing is that it’s easy to measure the success of a digital marketing campaign. In traditional marketing, it is often hard to tell which marketing tactic is working best and which one has the most impact. With digital marketing, there are various analytic tools that can be used to track data and gather insights into what content works best for a certain audience, what social media platforms have the most followers, and how many people viewed a certain ad. With these insights in hand, marketer can optimize their campaigns more effectively.

The second pro of digital marketing is that it’s scalable. Digital marketers can reach thousands or millions of people at once with just one post on social media or an email newsletter sent out to your subscribers. With this flexibility, the budget can vary in different levels so even start-up business can handle the financial impact of digital marketing. Whereas Traditional is on the more expensive side which would only suite the established corporate businesses.

It is difficult to find a downside to digital marketing. It is the perfect platform for advertising and reaching out to your target audience. The fact that we can track everything we do and measure our success means we can always improve on what we’re doing.

Digital marketing is a great way to reach out to more people, but it still has its few downsides. For example, sales are not instant, so the buyer may switch off and forget about the product at some point or just leave your website. There’s also no guarantee that your target audience will click on your ads or even notice them at all.

Another con of digital marketing is that companies need a high budget to do it right. With digital marketing, in almost all cases; it wouldn’t be done right the first time. It’s all about testing the waters and understanding what would attract attention and what gains traction with your target audience. Even though the budget is flexible, it may be too expensive to get it right for many small businesses. In this case this strategy might not be worth it even if it has a lot of potential, if you have a limited budget.

In conclusion, the use of traditional marketing methods is declining day by day, as people are becoming more and more reliant on their mobile devices. Marketers are now using virtual marketing techniques which include email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, influencer marketing etc.

Traditional marketing methods are not as effective as its expensive, untraceable, and inconvenient. It is less effective than digital marketing due to its inflexibility and the change in consumer behavior which has shifted towards more digital platforms like social media and email.

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5 Steps to prepare for post pandemic digital marketing. Are you ready? Fri, 01 Oct 2021 12:04:54 +0000 5 Steps to prepare for post pandemic digital marketing. Are you ready? Read More »


The digital market is going through a significant change. Digital marketing is a post-pandemic strategy that has undergone a lot of changes in the past few years. Strategies have had to change and adapt to an environment where everything changes overnight.

The marketing sector has been re-imagined and re-invented itself, but the main question remains: Is it strong enough to withstand pandemics?

It looks like the answer is yes. However, there are still some challenges that need to be addressed, such as making the right decisions and safety concerns, but we can hope for the best and prepare for the worst with these five steps:

1. Make sure you have a plan 

It is important to have a plan If you are running your own business, it’s essential to have a digital marketing plan in place so that you can continue to generate revenue.

Post pandemic digital marketers need to be prepared in advance and know how they will stay in contact with clients and potential customers and keep them updated on the situation. For example, businesses should use social media, email marketing and mobile messaging channels wisely so that they can still provide their customers with information without overloading them with spam emails or updates.

When it comes to marketing, it’s not just one strategy that will work for your company. It’s important to have a plan in place so you can figure out what works best for your audience.

2. Consider your target audience

After identifying the company plan and goals. Next step would be to identify your target audience. Based on the target audience, you will need to develop a strategy that is tailored to them and their wants and needs. Once this strategy is set in place, it’s time to execute on these ideas. This is where the importance of having a plan comes into play because you want all aspects of your marketing campaign executed with precision and accuracy.

3. Focus on long-term marketing strategies like SEO and web design

In the digital age, where consumers have a multitude of options for all kinds of things, they want to know what sets your company apart from others. As a result, they will often do research about your company and go online to find out what you have to offer.

This is why it is important for companies to have a cohesive marketing strategy that includes not only social media and advertising but also SEO and web design.

SEO is the process of improving the visibility of a website or web page in organic search engine results. It can be done by getting links to it, making changes to its content, improving site navigation, and other techniques.

Web design is the process of designing user experiences that are easy to use and visually appealing. It’s important for any website or app that wants to succeed at the modern digital landscape.

For years marketers have been focusing on short-term marketing strategies. However, now they are starting to focus more on long-term marketing strategies like SEO and web design, so they don’t have to work as much in order to get an ROI (Return of Investment).

4. Identify digital channels where you will promote your content

Digital marketing channels are important for the promotion of the content. The content that is published on the digital marketing channels has a greater reach to the audience and it will be more visible to them.

There are many digital marketing channels through which you can promote your content on the internet. The most popular ones are email marketing, social media, search engine optimization, content marketing, public relations and affiliate marketing.

It is important to identify the right digital marketing channels that can help you promote your content. You need to take into account the type of content that you are going to publish, your target audience size and demographics, and your marketing objectives.

The goal of digital marketing channels is to reach a specific audience at a specific time with relevant content in the most effective way possible. Digital channels such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media, email marketing and online advertising can be used for this purpose.

5. Set goals for your campaign

The option of where to set up a campaign depends on the type of target audience, the budget, and other factors.

Setting up digital marketing campaigns can be difficult because there are so many different options available to you. You have to make sure that you put your campaign in the right place so that it gets the best results possible.

Budget should be one of the main factors in deciding where to set up digital marketing campaigns. If you have a limited budget, it may be impossible for you to reach your desired audience with ads on social media sites like Facebook or Google. Instead, you should focus your efforts on more affordable channels like email or display advertising. Even though these channels may not be as popular as social media sites, they are still effective for targeting specific groups of people and don’t require much money to cover costs.

These 5 steps are more or less the summary of executing a well-structured marketing plan. With this pandemic coming close to an end, another one can be right around the order. It’s best to be prepared.

7 things to look for in social media marketing for restaurants Fri, 01 Oct 2021 11:39:29 +0000 7 things to look for in social media marketing for restaurants Read More »


Social media marketing is a must for every business and restaurants are not an exception. However, it is not enough to simply post on Facebook and Twitter. There are some tricks that can help restaurant owners reach customers and keep them interested in their business.

1) Understand your audience

Before you start posting on social media, you should take some time to carefully research your target audience. Make sure you know the demographics of the people who will be viewing your posts so that you know where they’re coming from and what they care about.

2) Post quality content 

The quality of the content that you post is vital for its success on social media. It should be well-written and interesting to read without spelling or grammar mistakes. It should also provide value to the viewer by answering their questions or providing informational knowledge that is interesting.  

3) Running Campaigns and Contents 

Running a paid campaign is a great way to promote your company’s products or services. You can run a social media contest, video contest, photo contest, blog post contest, and more. 

Paid campaigns are an efficient way of drawing attention to your business. When you run one, you can use targeted advertisements for specific demographics or use certain content to target specific interests or lifestyles.

You should always start by making sure that your campaign fits the audience that you’re targeting. For instance, if you’re running an ad campaign on Facebook then you should make sure that your ad is compatible with the Facebook algorithm and it will appear in the right place at the right time for your target demographic.

4) Presence and Consistency 

The more you are present on social media, the more people will notice you. You should try to be consistent with your content and make sure to reply to any messages or comments that someone might leave for you. The more you reach out, the more connections you will be able to make.

It takes time and effort to build a following on social media, but it is worth it as a well-built social network can make all the difference in the end.

5) Quality Pictures and videos 

Pictures and videos are an important part of content marketing. They can make or break your content on social media. People are more likely to share your content if you have some quality pictures and videos in it.

People care about what their food looks like before they order it from your restaurant. They want to see pictures and videos of delicious dishes that will soon become their next meal. Post delicious visual content frequently so that the next meal your customer think of is from your menu.

6) Geo Targeted Ads

A geo-targeted ad is an advertisement that is delivered to the user based on the location data stored on your restaurants device or inferred from their IP address. By utilising the target market around your area. The more probability there would be of returning customers as well as new ones. Examples for physical advertising would be leaflets delivered through your local post office. And virtual can be Facebook or Instagram paid targeted campaigns. 

7) blogging 

Blogging is one of the easiest and best ways to reach a larger audience and increase awareness about your restaurant brand. Blogging has transformed the way people and businesses communicate with their audience, as well as each other, by providing them with a valuable content platform.

There are many ways you can become successful at blogging, such as: creating great content that’s interesting or useful for your readers, writing in a conversational tone that makes readers feel like they’re talking to you instead of reading something off a screen, or using social media channels to connect with new readers on their favorite platforms.
